Bio Ethanol Fireplace

Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor

Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor
Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor
Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor
Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor

Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor    Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor

Square floor bioethanol fireplace in a classic and desirable wood stove look. The fireplace is 95 cm tall and makes it possible to see the vibrant flames from 3 sides.

An amazingly popular fireplace ready to be witnessed from every corner of a room thanks to its mesmerising presence. Bioethanol stove in a square design.

Here, you get a modern version of the classic wood burning stove. The freestanding bioethanol fireplace has glass on 3 sides and it's therefore possible to get an amazing look at the flames, no matter which side you are looking from. Like an illuminating beacon; powerful in presence, yet gentle in lighting. This is one of our proudest models available.

Under the flames, there are 2 storage rooms where you e. Can place firewood to make it more realistic.

(The wood in the picture is not included). The fireplace burns like all other bioethanol fireplaces on bioethanol fuel.

1.2 liter bioethanol burner. The only thing you have to do is unpack the fireplace, mount the handle on the door and place the burner inside the fireplace. The burner is turned on by pouring bioethanol into the burner; the more you pour into it, the longer the flame persists. Afterwards, simply use a lighter to turn it on. The burner can afterwards be adjusted by partially closing the lid located on the top of the burner, decreasing the size of the flame.

It is recommended to use a rod or adjustment tool found on our shop to operate it while it is currently burning as to avoid getting close to the fire. Closing the lid cuts of oxygen to the fire, extinguishing it shortly after. The fireplace is a freestanding model and requires no connection of a chimney. Therefore, you can easily move the fireplace around when it's not in use.

The flames are well protected in the fireplace, but it is still recommended to keep a safe distance from flammable materials like curtains, furniture, etc. The back of the fireplaces becomes slightly hot when turned on. Therefore, keep a distance of 2-3 cm between the wall and fireplace to prevent any markings from gradually appearing after long usage.
Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor    Bio ethanol fireplace freestanding indoor, Black, indoor